Looking for a 'Safety Inspection Near Me'?
Each time you buy a vehicle or transfer a vehicle into your name in the province of Ontario you are requried by law to first have the vehicle pass a safety standards inspection. When the vehicle or car passes inspection you will receive a safety certificate which you will then give to Service Ontario in order to register you're vehicle and have it considered road-worthy. Finding a honest facility that keeps your family's safety in mind can be a daunting task, at Redline we will inspect the vehicle in an honest manner and address any repairs that need to be made if any at all.
When trying to obtain insurance for a vehicle that is more than 10 years of age , insurance companies will most likely require you to have your vehicle saftied. Once again you will need to bring the car to a licensed inspection station and have the vehicle pass safety in order to receive a safety certificate.
Vehicles that are considered heavy-duty and or used to transport goods for a business are considered commercial vehicles and require a different type of safety inspection. We also offer commercial safety inspections as well as regular safety inspections.
Lastly, we offer pre-purchase inspection. If you are in the market for a used vehicle or new vehicle and want to make sure that the car checks out we can inspect it mechanically and scan all modules the vehicle has to ensure you are purchasing a vehicle with no hidden issues or unforeseen costs.
Click Here To Call Us Now & Book Your Safety InspectionWe are located on Jefferson Blvd near the E.C Row Expy in Windsor, Ontario. If you need GPS just search Redline Autohaus on Google Maps and you will be sure to find us.